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I Vostri Filmati


Belgio 27-28 novembre 2010

link: http://www.onderwaterfotografie.be/festival/festival2010ENG.htm

In 2010 the NELOS Photo and Video Festival celebrates its 20th edition. It is more than just a contest. More than ever the 2010 edition is an international forum for amateurs and professionals who share their passion for the ocean and marine life ..

The festival is based on 4 pillars

- The contest remains the main event, and invites participants from all over the world. The competition is the basis for the international photo exhibition and video presentations on widescreen.

- Lectures by famous domestic and foreign guest speakers: their presence adds value to the festival, inspires the audience and leads to interesting possibilities for promotion and support by the media.

- Educational and informative for a wide audience: this festival seeks to fascinate both divers and non-divers, underwater photo- and videographers, in short, the general public, interested and open to the beautiful underwater world of which still so little is known . Therefore, the lectures and the projections are not merely about underwater photography and videography, but also cover the broad spectrum that characterizes diving technology, equipment, travel, biology, literature, science, etc.

- Environmental Awareness: divers, in particular the underwater photographers and videographers, are important ambassadors for the marine life that is currently very much under pressure from pollution and illegal and excessive fishing.
By showing the beauty of this fragile marine ecosystem, underwater photographers and videographers worldwide try to actualise those problems, and thus help to make people aware of the importance to maintain the necessary balance.
Because water is the source of all life...

“You know, you really shouldn’t call this planet Earth; you should call it Ocean! You get up there in space and look at it, its primary colour is blue.” Arthur Clarke

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